The John McAslan + Partners Sydney studio lead and director writes on the importance of transport infrastructure.
Sydney Metro City is up and running and the verdict is in – it was worth the wait. The latest section of Australia’s biggest transport project, which races under the harbour to connect Chatswood to Sydenham in just 22 minutes, is a hit.
‘Sydney Metro City line on track for greatness’, declared respected architecture critic Naomi Stead. Patrons, pundits and even politicians agree. It seems everyone riding the new line is excited and proud as Sydney embraces mass transit.
The station experience – de-stressing daily life
More than just a place to pass through on your way from A to B, a great station is a social space that welcomes the community and de-stresses the daily commute.
On a functional level, it must accommodate passenger numbers and movement with ease. Beyond this, a good station ‘belongs’ as a new civic presence.
The new Northern Concourse at Sydney Central replaced a warren of dark and confusing pedestrian tunnels with a beautiful urban room for the city’s people. Flooded with natural light and air, it allows passengers to move easily and intuitively between intercity, suburban, light rail and Metro lines and vastly improves the station experience. Calm replaces stress as soaring kite-shaped skylights intersect with heritage buildings, adding beauty to the everyday.
A stop further south, Waterloo’s generous concourse is top lit and features a skylight that delivers natural light deep underground. There is an overarching sense of light and air, and clear sightlines make wayfinding easy. The station is simply a nice place to be, and that is the measure of success. Add fast, frequent trains, and the decision to leave the car at home is easy.
The value of transport-led infrastructure to cities can’t be overstated and quality station design helps realise its full potential. A good station experience encourages people to use public transport, reducing the number of cars on the road to the benefit of the entire city. That’s an investment in design worth making – and the people of Sydney need more of it.
For the full INDESIGNLIVE article, click here
image; Sydney Central Station ©Peter Bennetts